Something has been on my mind a lot the last few weeks. What makes a teacher effective and successful in the classroom? I know it comes down to strong student relationships, effective and structural classroom management, and preparedness with intentionality. My goal lately has not been to critique my teachers, but rather to figure out the best way to support them and help them grow. We all have something to improve upon! I've focused on their goals as they align with campus goals. I’ve given small tips along the way, strategies to try, suggested procedures to implement, and ideas for building community. But it seems like some teachers are just different, more coachable, more willing to try new things, are reflective on their practices, some teachers have something special - that “it” factor that makes it all come together. “Those who can, do. And those who can’t, teach.” I always loathed that saying. First, because it indicates that teachers a...
The most significant lessons we will ever teach are those that extend beyond the classroom.