"Your now determines your next." This is our school motto. We try to instill in our kids that every decision you make now has some kind of implication on you future. It teaches ownership and responsibility. Coming off seven years as an eighth grade teacher, I certainly embraced this motto as a freshman teacher last year and saw how important it was for our kids to truly understand. I have always been a huge proponent of modeling and teaching goal setting, both short term and long term. Sometimes my students would write their goals on index cards that we hung from the ceiling on colored string. Sometimes we would make a big poster of everyone's goals, handwritten and signed, as a reminder each day what they were working towards. Often, their short term goal would say: pass and go to high school. While that was my expectation for all of them, it was more of an accomplishment for some. For the last eight years of their schooling, each August is a fresh start, nothing fr...
The most significant lessons we will ever teach are those that extend beyond the classroom.